Kenray Forming Ltd – Stick Pack Solutions
I’m Mark Evans from Kenray, today we are in the engineering office and I’m going to look at how we produce Stick Pack Formers.
During the first stage, our Engineer will find all the specifications and input them into the model.
The software itself will look for any errors. Once this process is complete the model itself will generate the forward engineered patterns.
Here you can see the typical Stick Pack Former, which has been through this process.
Once this former has been digitally developed, it can be placed together with other formers into the requisite number of lanes.
The next step in the process is to generate the machine tool program using 3D Graphics simulation.
The final part of the process is these images are sent to the machine shop for Machining. Here you can see a stick pack former being milled.
So I hope that gives you some insight into how we prepare and manufacture our stick pack formers.
Thank you for listening. Please contact us on +44 (0)1530 400 100 or email [email protected]