Kenray Film Snapping Troubleshooting Solutions


So in this short video, I’d like to talk to you a little bit about film snapping and what causes it?

The film can snap for a number of reasons. Usually, it’s because there’s too much tension.

This could be the result of poor geometry on the shoulder. It could also be because the tube is too close to the shoulder which you can see here. You can see the film is actually peeling rather than ripping.

Sharp edges or the crossover point being too close could also be a key cause of film ripping.

Here you can see the film actually ripped because the gap between the shoulder and the tube is too tight.

So there you have a short video on film snapping. I hope you found that useful. If you need more information, please either visit our website or give us a call on +44 (0)1530 400 100 or email [email protected]

Thank you very much.

Kenray Onsite Training Facilities


Hello again, Mark Evans from Kenray.

Today, we’re in the training room and I would like to show you some of the facilities we have available for training in our dedicated training facility.

You can either come here in person or we can do it via the Internet on the large screen TV. The TV itself is kitted out with a zoom lens and we can schedule training for any time during the day.

The room itself is kitted out with fixtures, jigging and tooling and we can produce any type of training that you require for more information visit our Training page for more information.

Thank you.

Open Back Seal Solutions from Kenray


Today, I’d like to talk to you a little bit about open back seals and the things that cause them. One of the reasons for the open back seal is that the former is not correctly positioned on the machine as seen on the video above.

You can see that demonstrated. Another reason for the open-back seal could be the tube alignment, in this example, you can see that the tube is offset left to right and in this scenario, the tube is offset front to back.

Another reason for the bag opening up could be the geometry of the shoulder which may be incorrect or the crossover point may be in the wrong position. This is an example of a shoulder where the patterns have been predetermined by forward-engineered models. It will require testing, but this will be minimal.

So here you have a little insight into open back seals to find out more or to let us help you fix some of the problems you may have please either give us a call or visit our website.

Thank you for watching.

Visit – or email [email protected]